Team Members
Is a life-long Winner resident and worked as a certified tech at area dealerships for 17 years before starting Hometown Automotive. You’ll find he is respected as one of the top technicians in our area; his diagnostic abilities and his honesty and respect for customers have served the community well for the past 36 years. Summer finds him camping and fishing; winter finds him bowling. And as a Mopar fanatic, he welcomes conversation with other classic car enthusiasts!
Grew up in Winner and is co-owner of Hometown Automotive. She serves as Office Manager, taking care of receptionist duties, accounting, marketing, and general business. She is usually the first face you see at the shop and does her best to make you feel at home. Nancy’s interests include traveling, music, and animal rescue.
Is a fellow South Dakotan who recently moved to the Winner area. He loves working on diesels, has 16 yrs experience in the field, and brings a new expertise to our shop. Christian and his family enjoy the country life, and he is always looking forward to his next fishing expedition.